Summa Driver

- granted pursuant to Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 907, dated March 11, 1976, titled “Granting Civil Service Eligibility to College Honor Graduates”.


Summa Cutter Control Software interface for adjusting parameters on Summa legacy cutter, including speed, mode, pressure, blade offset and much more. Supports Vista/Win 7/Win 8/10. Plug-in for CorelDraw 12 - 2020 and Illustrator CS - CC 2020 Plug-in for CorelDraw & Illustrator to use with Winplot 6.6 or higher. Summa GoSign: Version. Type Of Business: Contact: Consumer reporting agencies, creditors and others not listed below Federal Trade Commission: Consumer Response Center - FCRA Washington, DC 20580 1-877-382-4357. Find comprehensive information about Summa cutting equipment and use the Solution Finder to find the ideal cutting solution for your specific workflow. Drivers evolve over time based on new RIP and printer technology. The latest firmware may not be fully compatible with older drivers. Summa: Summa F Series: Roll-to-Roll: 18.0+ Included: Included: Included: Included: Included: Included: Summa: Summa S-Class D: Roll-to-Roll: 18.0+ Included: Included: Included: Included: Included: Included.

The following individuals shall be entitled to the grant of HGE upon submission of required documents:

a. Those who graduated summa cum laude, magna cum laude or cum laude, in their baccalaureate degree, regardless of the number of years of completion;

b. Those who graduated from school year 1972-1973, and thereafter; and

c. Those who graduated in:

c.1. Private Higher Education Institution in the Philippines with baccalaureate/bachelor’s degree recognized by the CHED; or

c.2. State/Local College or University with baccalaureate/bachelor’s degree included in its charter, or baccalaureate/ bachelor’s degree duly approved by its Board of Trustees/Board of Regents.


The HGE shall be considered appropriate for first and second level positions in the government that do not involve practice of profession and are not covered by Bar/board/other special laws.


The date of effectivity of the HGE shall be the date of course completion/graduation (as indicated in the Transcript of Record/school certification that the applicant graduated with honors).


Filing of applications for the grant of HGE is continuous.


A. Provided under ERPO Memo No. 1447, s. 2008 dated October 29, 2008 – (Clarificatory Guidelines on the Grant of PD 907 Eligibility)
PD No. 907, among others, explicitly provides that “it is considered that graduation with honors earned under the competitive atmosphere of the academic community is as good as qualifying mark in a competitive examination to determine merit and excellence for public employment;”. (underscoring ours)

B. Policy on Honor Graduates of Distance Education
(pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 1101645)
PD No. 907, among others, explicitly provides that “it is considered that graduation with honors earned under the competitive atmosphere of the academic community is as good as qualifying mark in a competitive examination to determine merit and excellence for public employment;”. (underscoring ours)

Section 4, Article II of Commission on Higher Education Memorandum Order No. 27, s. 2005 defines Distance Education as “a mode of educational delivery whereby teacher and learner are separated in time and space, and instruction is delivered through specially designed materials and methods using appropriate technologies, and supported by organizational and administrative structures and arrangements.”

Hence, the nature and workings of distance education, especially the separateness of teacher and learner, is evidently restricted so much so as it reduces the extent of realization and carrying out of a competitive atmosphere that is present in conventional education/schooling.

Furthermore, it is manifest that under distance education, “competitive atmosphere of the academic community”, which plays a crucial role and consideration in the grant of HGE, is not being maximized and capitalized on by the stakeholders because of their being separated from one another. In this context, distance education is contended as vulnerable to working under loose safeguards.

Therefore, for purposes of the grant of Honor Graduate eligibility pursuant to PD No. 907, it is ruled that the nature and workings of Distance Education fall short of the contemplation of PD No. 907. Corollary, honor graduates of Distance Education shall not qualify for the grant of HGE.

C. Policy on the Distinctions of Excellentisimus, Benemeritus, Meritisimus, and Beneprobatus (pursuant to CSC Resolution No. 1101645)

As explained by the Commission on Higher Education, the distinctions of Excellentisimus (Excellent), Benemeritus (Very Good), Meritisimus (Good), and Beneprobatus (Passed) refer only to “marks/grades that a student may receive after the completion of his/her dissertation/thesis paper”. It is worthy to note that a dissertation/thesis paper is merely in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a certain degree program.

In contrast, the Latin honors of Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Cum Laude refer to “honors conferred based on a student’s scholastic performance and the fulfillment and completion of all the requirements of the program”. Thus, the Latin honors of Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Cum Laude are being conferred after all requirements have been completed, including the requirement for thesis/dissertation paper.

Therefore, the distinctions of Excellentisimus, Benemeritus, Meritisimus, and Beneprobatus are not comparable to the Latin honors of Summa Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Cum Laude and, hence, do not fall in the ambit of PD No. 907.


General Documentary Requirements

1. Properly accomplished Application Form (CS Form 101-D, Revised Sept. 2013);

2. Three (3) pieces of identical I.D. pictures taken within the last three (3) months prior to filing of application with specifications, as follows:

a. Passport size (4.5 cm x 3.5 cm)

b. Printed on quality photo paper;

c. In white background;
d. In standard close-up shot (from shoulder level up with the head and face occupying at least 80% of the picture and with the name tag positioned at approximately 1” below the chin);
e. In bare face (without eye glasses/colored contact lens, or any accessory that may cover facial features; facial features not computer-enhanced);
f. Showing left and right ears; and
g. With full name tag:

- The name tag must legibly show the applicant’s signature over complete printed name in the format First Name-Middle Initial-Last Name-Extension Name (if any); and
- The name tag should not be computerized, meaning, the applicant should have his/her picture taken while holding his/her written name tag.


In detail:

Passport size

3. Original and photocopy of any of the following I.D. cards, which must be valid (not expired) upon filing of application, and bears the applicant’s complete name, picture and signature, and the issuing officer’s name and signature:

a. Current Office/Company I.D.

b. School I.D (must be duly validated for the current school year)


d. SSS I.D.

e. Passport (with signature of the applicant)

f. Driver’s License

g. PRC License

Driver Summa D60 Windows 7

h. BIR/TIN I.D. (ATM type/laminated card with picture type)

i. Police Clearance (with picture)

j. Voter’s I.D.

k. PhilHealth I.D. (ATM type)

l. Postal I.D.

m. Barangay I.D.

Note: Any other I.D. card NOT included in the above list shall NOT be accepted. Alumni, association, membership, and health I.D.s, including ATM cards, shall NOT be accepted.

4. Original and photocopy of Birth Certificate of the applicant authenticated/issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO);

Note: In case where the NSO-issued Birth Certificate is not legible, or the NSO has duly issued a Negative Certification of Birth (NSO CRS Form No. 1) printed in NSO security form, the applicant shall, in addition, be required to submit the original and photocopy of his/her Birth Certificate that is authenticated/issued by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR).

5. For female married applicants, original and photocopy of Marriage Certificate authenticated/issued by the NSO;

Note: In case where the NSO-issued Marriage Certificate is not legible, the applicant shall, in addition, be required to submit the original and photocopy of his/her Marriage Certificate that is authenticated/issued by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR).

6. Certification executed by the applicant that he/she has no pending administrative and/or criminal case before any court/authorized body, and that he/she has never been found guilty/convicted of any administrative offense and/or crime, using the prescribed CSC SPEL Form 1, April 2012; and

7. If filing of the application is through a representative:

a. Authorization letter executed by the applicant; and

b. Original and photocopy of at least one (1) valid I.D. card of the representative as listed under Item no. 3 hereof.

Specific Documentary Requirements

1. Original and photocopy of Transcript of Record (TOR) of the applicant;

2. Certification from the university/college that the applicant graduated summa cum laude, magna cum laude, or cum laude duly signed by the current university/college registrar or authorized official and bearing the university/college seal. (This Certification is not the Diploma and is separate from the Transcript of Record); and

3. List of Honor Graduates certified and submitted by the School Registrar to the CSC (agency to agency concern).


Properly accomplished CS Form 101-D (Revised, Sept. 2013), together with the pictures and other documentary requirements, must be submitted to the CSC Regional Office, or any of its Field Offices, having jurisdiction over the university/college from where an applicant has graduated.


A. By the Applicant in Person;

This mode of filing an application involves the applicant himself/herself going to the CSC Regional Office concerned, or to any of its Field Offices, to personally submit his/her application and documentary requirements. This is the most recommended mode of application filing, as this will allow interview of the applicant as to his/her qualifications and other circumstances relevant to his/her application for eligibility grant.

B. Through Representative;

This mode involves a representative of the applicant going to the CSC Regional Office concerned, or to any of its Field Offices, to submit the application and documentary requirements.

Filing of application through a representative shall require the submission of the following additional documents:

- Authorization Letter executed by the applicant; and

- Original and photocopy of at least one (1) valid I.D. card of the representative.

Note: While filing of application may be coursed through a representative, the applicant shall be required to appear personally before the CSC for the proper issuance and acceptance of the Certificate of Eligibility, should the application be approved. Representative/s shall not be allowed to receive the Certificate of Eligibility on behalf of the applicant-grantee.

Summa Driver

C. Through Conduit CSC Regional Office (RO); and

This mode involves applicants who have moved to or are presently based in another region that is far-off from the authorized CSC Regional Office (RO) having jurisdiction over their cases.

In this instance, an applicant concerned, or his/her representative, may file the application to the CSCRO nearest the applicant’s present place of residence or work. Said CSCRO shall act as conduit between the applicant and the authorized CSCRO in facilitating acceptance of the application, and release of the corresponding Certificate of Eligibility (COE) should the application for eligibility grant be approved.

This mode of application filing takes time, considering that communications between the conduit CSCRO and the authorized CSCRO are dispatched at least via registered mail.

D. Through Mail

This mode involves the applicant sending his/her application and documentary requirements (including originals) to the CSC Regional Office concerned through either registered mail, or courier. This mode takes time in view of anticipated exchange of communications.

Delays and lost of documents through the negligence of the courier is beyond the control of the CSC Regional Office concerned.


The schedule of fees for the grant of HGE, which covers two (2) stages, is, as follows:

Stages of the GrantTitle of FeeAmount of FeeWhen to be Paid
Stage 1:
Evaluation of Application
Evaluation FeePhp200.00Upon filing of application
Stage 2:
Processing of Certificate of
Processing FeePhp300.00Only upon approval of application

Applications filed at the CSC Field Office shall be charged only the Evaluation Fee considering that the applications will be forwarded to the CSC Regional Office for review and final evaluation, and processing of Certificate of Eligibility.

Applications filed through Conduit CSC Regional/Field Office or through Mail (registered mail, or courier) should enclose a Postal Money Order borne in the name of the CSC Regional Office concerned (for graduates of local schools), or the CSC Central Office (for graduates of foreign schools), in the amount of Php200.00 representing payment for the Evaluation Fee.


Summa driver
  • V-Series Vinyl Cutter
    • V-360
    • V-800
    • V-850
    • V-1120
    • V-1130
    • V-1330
    • V-1360
    • V-1660
    • V-1700
  • V-Smart Series Vinyl Cutter
    • V3-440
    • V3-740
    • V3-1080
    • V3-1310
    • V3-1360
    • V3-1660
  • V-Auto Vinyl Cutter
    • V6-900
    • V6-1500
    • V6-1800


  • ANA Express AE-101
  • ANA Express AE-101E
  • ANA Express AE-120
  • ANA Express AE-120E
  • ANA Express AE-60
  • ANA Express AE-60E
  • ANA Express AE-70
  • ANA Express AE-70E
  • ANA Express AE-75
  • ANA Express AE-75E
  • ANA Express AE-75SB
  • ANA Express AR-70E


  • ASC365 ASC-1
  • ASC365 720
  • ASC365 JK871
  • ASC365 JK721
  • ASC365 JK1351
  • ASC365 870PE
  • ASC365 TH38DB

APD Extreme Series Plotter

  • PD-2400 24' Vinyl Cutter
  • PD-3000 30' Vinyl Cutter
  • PD-4000 40' Vinyl Cutter
  • PD-4800 50' Vinyl Cutter


  • Arthur SA-720C
  • Arthur SA-1350C
  • Arthur SA-720S
  • Arthur SA-1350S


  • AS-1120
  • AS-1360
  • AS-1780
  • AS-360
  • AS-720
  • AS-800
  • AS-960
  • KS720
  • KS850
  • KS1100
  • KS1350
  • OPOS12
  • OPOS18
  • OPOS24


  • BananaB 14 Inch Vinyl Cutter
  • BananaB 28 Inch Vinyl Cutter
  • BananaB 34 Inch Vinyl Cutter
  • BananaB 54 Inch Vinyl Cutter


  • AIP-0720 Cutter
  • AIP-0800 Cutter
  • AIP-1120 Cutter
  • AIP-1360 Cutter

Black Cat

  • Cougar C-12
  • Cougar C-13
  • Cougar C-18
  • Cougar C-24
  • Cougar C-30
  • Cougar C-48
  • Lynx 12
  • Lynx 15
  • Lynx 18
  • Lynx 24
  • BobCat
  • Cougar Plus
  • Cougar Pro 13
  • Cougar Pro 15
  • Cougar Pro 18
  • Cougar Pro 24
  • Cougar-SB

Black Sail

  • Black Sail BS 721
  • Black Sail HBC 870
  • Black Sail HBC 1351


  • Gazelle


  • BREN 424 CraftPro
  • BREN 724 Razor Cutter
  • BREN 740 Razor Cutter
  • BREN 752 Razor Cutter


  • Bridge C-24
  • Bridge C-48
  • Bridge MH365
  • Bridge MH720
  • Bridge PRO-360
  • Bridge PRO-720
  • Bridge PRO-870
  • Bridge Pro-1100
  • Bridge Pro-1350

Brother Electronic Cutting Machine

Export as FCM compatible files only
  • ScanNCut CM100DM
  • ScanNCut CM250
  • ScanNCut CM350
  • ScanNCut CM550DX
  • ScanNCut CM650WX
  • DesignNCut DC200
  • ScanNCut DX SDX125
  • ScanNCut DX SDX225


  • Bascocut C-24L
  • Bascocut C-48L
  • Bascocut C-59L
  • Bascocut C-24AX
  • Bascocut C-48AX
  • Bascocut CS-24LX
  • Bascocut CS-48LX
  • Bascocut E-24AX
  • Bascocut E-48AX
  • Bascocut E-24XL
  • Bascocut E-48XL
  • Bascocut ES-24LX
  • Bascocut ES-48LX
  • Bascocut E-49XXL
  • Bascocut E-59XL
  • Bascocut L3
  • Bascocut L5


  • Calortrans CT30
  • Calortrans CT60
  • Calortrans CT120


  • eCraft


  • Cricut Explore (export as SVG to upload into Design Space only)
  • Cricut Maker (export as SVG to upload into Design Space only)


  • Croc-Cut ARMS 720mm Vinyl Cutter
  • Croc-Cut ARMS 1400mm Vinyl Cutter
  • Croc-Cut ARMS 1800mm Vinyl Cutter
  • Croc-Cut SERVO 720mm Vinyl Cutter
  • Croc-Cut SERVO 1400mm Vinyl Cutter
  • Croc-Cut STEPPER 720mm Vinyl Cutter
  • Croc-Cut STEPPER 1400mm Vinyl Cutter


  • Cole CL220/340
  • Cole CL365
  • Cole CL720
  • Cole CL870
  • Cole CL1100
  • Cole CL1350


  • Copam CP-2500
  • Copam CP-250A
  • Copam CP-2800
  • Copam CP-3050
  • Copam CP-3500
  • Copam CP-4050
  • Copam CP-4500
  • Copam CP-6800
  • Copam CP-7800
  • Copam CP-8800


  • COTEK CTK-360C
  • COTEK CTK-720C
  • COTEK CTK-870C
  • COTEK CTK-1100C
  • COTEK CTK-1350C

Creation Technology(H.K.)

  • KCut Pro CA24(CA630)
  • KCUT Pro CT24(CT630)
  • KCUT Pro CT36(CT900)
  • KCUT Pro CT48(CT1200)
  • Creation HK KingCut CT
  • Creation HK KingCut CA
  • Creation HK KCUT CX280
  • Creation HK KCUT Pro B12
  • Creation HK KCUT Pro B24
  • Creation HK KCUT Pro B48
  • Creation PCut CR630
  • Creation PCut CR730
  • Creation PCut CR900
  • Creation PCut CR1080
  • Creation PCut CR1200
  • Creation PCut CR1300
  • Creation PCut CB730
  • Creation PCut CB1300
  • Creation PCut CS630
  • Creation PCut CS 900
  • Creation PCut CS 1080
  • Creation PCut CS1200
  • Creation PCut CT630
  • Creation PCut CT900
  • Creation PCut CT1200
  • Creation PCut CT 700
  • Creation PCut CT 1000
  • Creation PCut CT 1080
  • Creation PCut CT 1300
  • Creation PCut CT 1500
  • Creation PCut CT 1600
  • Creation PCut CTO series


  • CUTOK DC240
  • CUTOK DC330


  • CUYI CS630
  • CUYI CS1200
  • CUYI CTO330
  • CUYI CTO630
  • CUYI CTO900
  • CUYI CTO1200
  • CUYI MK630 (24')
  • CUYI MK1200 (48')
  • CUYI MG630
  • CUYI MG1200

Desay Master

  • Master Vinyl Cutter XY-300P
  • Master Vinyl Cutter XY-380P
  • Master Vinyl Cutter XY-450P
  • Master Vinyl Cutter XY-520
  • Master Vinyl Cutter XY-540P
  • Master Vinyl Cutter XY-660P
  • Master Vinyl Cutter VC2000
  • Master Tiger Series
  • TC-3000
  • TC-4000
  • TC-5000
  • VL-300P
  • VL-400P
  • VL-500P


  • Omega OM-40
  • Omega OM-60
  • Omega OM-70
  • Omega OM-80
  • Omega OM-100
  • Omega OM-130
  • Omega OM-150


  • Dika DK 720
  • Dika DK 880
  • Dika DK 1150
  • Dika DK 1350
  • Dika DK 1700


  • Dragon DP800
  • Dragon DP1000
  • Dragon DP1200
  • Dragon DP1260NX
  • Dragon Pro LGZ 1380


  • EastSign A24/30/40/48
  • EastSign B24/30/40/48
  • EastSign ECP-35
  • EastSign ECP-48
  • EastSign ECP-63
  • EastSign ECP-400
  • EastSign ECP-600
  • EastSign S240
  • EastSign S330


  • E-cut EH-375AB
  • E-cut EH-720AB
  • E-cut EH-870AB
  • E-cut EH-1350AB
  • E-cut EH-375D
  • E-cut EH-720D
  • E-cut EH-870D
  • E-cut EH-1350D
  • E-cut KI-375D
  • E-cut KI-720D
  • E-cut KI-870D
  • E-cut KI-1350D
  • E-cut SK-375D
  • E-cut SK-720D
  • E-cut SK-870D
  • E-cut SK-1350D
  • E-cut SL-1350RV


  • Fenta SL440 vinyl cutter
  • Fenta SL740 cutting plotter
  • Fenta SL1320 vinyl cutter
  • Fenta SL1660 vinyl cutter


  • FlyCut Contour Cutter Plotters
    • FY-720
    • FY-850
    • FY-1100
    • FY-1350
    • FY-1600H
  • CZ Regular Series Cutter Plotters
    • CZ720
    • CZ870
    • CZ1350
  • Portable Contour Cutting Plotter
    • MC-330
    • MC-240
  • Reflective Film Cutter Plotter
    • SG-1350F


  • FocusBinding FPT-1200
  • FocusBinding FPT-330
  • FocusBinding FPT-630


  • Foison C12/18/24/30/36/48
  • Foison C12/24/48/60 Pro
  • Foison CT 630/1200
  • Foison E24
  • Foison FS24/48
  • Foison Koala K14
  • Foison S24/48
  • Foison V48 Pro/V60 Pro
  • Foison X24/48
  • Foison Z13 Pro


  • Galaxy Elite 15' Cutter
  • Galaxy Elite 24' Cutter
  • Galaxy Elite 48' Cutter
  • Galaxy Pro 24' Cutter
  • Galaxy Pro 48' Cutter


  • GCC AR24
  • GCC Bengal BN-60
  • GCC Bobcat BI-30
  • GCC Bobcat BI-60
  • GCC Expert 24
  • GCC Expert 24-PID_0031
  • GCC Expert 24-PID_0011
  • GCC Expert 24LX
  • GCC Expert 52
  • GCC Expert 52LX
  • GCC Expert II 24
  • GCC Expert II 24 LX
  • GCC Expert II 52
  • GCC Expert II 52LX
  • GCC Expert II PRO EP-60
  • GCC Expert II PRO EP-132S
  • GCC i-Craft 2.0
  • GCC Jaguar Series
    • Jaguar II
    • Jaguar JII-61
    • Jaguar JII-76S
    • Jaguar JII-101S
    • Jaguar JII-132S
    • Jaguar III-61
    • Jaguar III Ja-101S
    • Jaguar III Ja-132S
    • Jaguar III Ja-183S
    • Jaguar J4-61
    • Jaguar J4-101S
    • Jaguar J4-132S
    • Jaguar J4-183S
    • Jaguar V J5-61
    • Jaguar V J5-61LX
    • Jaguar V J5-101
    • Jaguar V J5-101LX
    • Jaguar V J5-132
    • Jaguar V J5-132LX
    • Jaguar V J5-183LX
    • Jaguar JG-61S
    • Jaguar JG-76S
    • Jaguar JG-101S
    • Jaguar JG-132S
  • GCC RX series
    • RX-61
    • RX-101S
    • RX-132S
    • RX-183S
  • GCC RX II series
    • RX II-61
    • RX II-101S
    • RX II-132S
    • RX II-183S
    • RX II-CR
  • GCC Lynx S-30
  • GCC Lynx S-60
  • GCC Lynx S-132
  • GCC Puma SP-30
  • GCC Puma SP-60
  • GCC Puma II-60
  • GCC Puma II-132
  • GCC Puma III P3-60
  • GCC Puma III P3-132S
  • GCC Puma III DX
  • GCC Puma IV
  • GCC Puma IV LX
  • GCC Sable SB-60
  • GCC SignPal98 GRC-30
  • GCC SignPal98 GRC-50
  • GCC SignPal Supreme 98 GRC-61
  • GCC SignPal Supreme 98 GRC-76S
  • GCC SignPal Supreme 98 GRC-101S
  • GCC SignPal Supreme 98 GRC-132S
  • GCC Ultra GRC-50
  • GCC Ultra GRC-61
  • GCC Ultra GRC-76S
  • GCC Ultra GRC-101S
  • GCC Ultra GRC-132S
  • GCC UltraPlus GRC-50
  • GCC Vogue TP-183P

Geokit Vinyl Cutter

Summa Cutters Usa

  • Geokit CT630
  • Geokit CT1200


  • Gercutter Pro


  • Gerber FasTrack 650
  • Gerber FasTrack 750
  • Gerber FasTrack 1000
  • Gerber FasTrack 1300

Generic Plotter

  • Plotter Generic - HPGL
  • Plotter Generic - DMPL


  • GJD-720
  • GJD-800
  • GJD-1120
  • GJD-1360

GoldCut (Also known as JinKa)

View the GoldCut Cutter Setup Guide for Mac
  • Goldcut GC-12
  • Goldcut GC-24
  • Goldcut GC-30
  • Goldcut GC-48
  • Goldcut GC240
  • Goldcut GC330
  • Goldcut GC360
  • Goldcut GC361
  • Goldcut GC720
  • Goldcut GC721
  • Goldcut GC870
  • Goldcut GC871
  • Goldcut GC1101
  • Goldcut GC1351
  • Goldcut HE721
  • Goldcut HE871
  • Goldcut HE1101
  • Goldcut HE1351
  • Goldcut PE365
  • Goldcut PE721
  • Goldcut PE870
  • Goldcut PE1351
  • Goldcut XE365
  • Goldcut XE721
  • Goldcut XE1351
  • Goldcut XL721E
  • Goldcut XL871E
  • Goldcut XL1351E
  • Goldcut GC24-ABJ
  • Goldcut GC48-ABJ
  • Goldcut GC24-ASF
  • Goldcut GC48-ASF
  • Goldcut XL-24ABJ
  • Goldcut XL-48ABJ
  • Goldcut XL24ASF
  • Goldcut XL48ASF
  • Goldcut YS-360
  • Goldcut RH-1350
  • Goldcut JK720
  • Goldcut JK721
  • Goldcut JK870
  • Goldcut JK871
  • Goldcut JK1101
  • Goldcut JK1351
  • Goldcut JK240
  • Goldcut JK330
  • Goldcut JK360
  • Goldcut JK361
  • Goldcut JK721-B
  • Goldcut JK1101-B
  • Goldcut JK1351-B
  • Goldcut JK 630
  • Goldcut JK 1220
  • Goldcut KS721


Summa Drivers

  • Graphtec CC100
  • Graphtec CC200
  • Graphtec CC300
  • Graphtec CE1000-60
  • Graphtec CE2000-120
  • Graphtec CE2000-60
  • Graphtec CE2800-60
  • Graphtec CE3000-120
  • Graphtec CE3000-40
  • Graphtec CE3000-40-CRP
  • Graphtec CE3000-60
  • Graphtec CE3000 MK2-60
  • Graphtec CE3000 MK2-120
  • Graphtec CE3000 120AP
  • Graphtec CE5000-40-CRP
  • Graphtec CE5000-60
  • Graphtec CE5000-120
  • Graphtec CE6000-120AP
  • Graphtec CE6000-40 Plus
  • Graphtec CE6000-60 Plus
  • Graphtec CE6000-120 Plus
  • Graphtec CE6000 AKZ
  • Graphtec CE7000-40
  • Graphtec CE7000-60
  • Graphtec CE7000-130
  • Graphtec CE7000-160
  • Graphtec CE LITE-50
  • Graphtec CraftRobo CC 100-20
  • Graphtec CraftRobo CC 300-20
  • Graphtec CraftRobo CC 200-20
  • Graphtec CraftRobo CC 330-20
  • Graphtec CraftRobo Pro
  • Graphtec FC2100-120
  • Graphtec FC2100-50
  • Graphtec FC2100-60
  • Graphtec FC2100-90
  • Graphtec FC2200-50
  • Graphtec FC2200-90
  • Graphtec FC2200-90EX
  • Graphtec FC223X-60
  • Graphtec FC223X-90
  • Graphtec FC223X-90EX
  • Graphtec FC2250-120
  • Graphtec FC2250-180
  • Graphtec FC2250-60
  • Graphtec FC2300-50
  • Graphtec FC3100-100
  • Graphtec FC3100-120
  • Graphtec FC3100-60
  • Graphtec FC3200-50
  • Graphtec FC3200-90
  • Graphtec FC3200-90EX
  • Graphtec FC3209-60
  • Graphtec FC3212-180
  • Graphtec FC3212-240
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  • Graphtec FC3600
  • Graphtec FC4100-100
  • Graphtec FC4100-130
  • Graphtec FC4100-75
  • Graphtec FC4200-50
  • Graphtec FC4200-60 Series
  • Graphtec FC4210-60 Series
  • Graphtec FC4550
  • Graphtec FC5100-75
  • Graphtec FC5100-100
  • Graphtec FC5100-130
  • Graphtec FC5100-150
  • Graphtec FC5100A Series
  • Graphtec FC7000 MK2-60
  • Graphtec FC7000 MK2-75
  • Graphtec FC7000 MK2-100
  • Graphtec FC7000 MK2-130
  • Graphtec FC7000 MK2-160
  • Graphtec FC7000-60
  • Graphtec FC7000-75
  • Graphtec FC7000-100
  • Graphtec FC7000-130
  • Graphtec FC7000-160
  • Graphtec FC8000-100
  • Graphtec FC8000-130
  • Graphtec FC8000-60
  • Graphtec FC8000-75
  • Graphtec FC8600-60
  • Graphtec FC8600-75
  • Graphtec FC8600-100
  • Graphtec FC8600-130
  • Graphtec FC8600-160
  • Graphtec FC9000-100
  • Graphtec FC9000-140
  • Graphtec FC9000-160
  • Graphtec FC9000-75
  • Graphtec FCX2000
  • Graphtec FCX4000-50
  • Graphtec FCX4000-60


  • Helo HSP 360
  • Helo HSP 720
  • Helo HSP 1360


  • HighLight HL721A
  • HighLight HL721B
  • HighLight HL721C
  • HighLight HL1351C


  • HobbyCut ABH-361
  • HobbyCut ABH-721
  • HobbyCut ABH-1351
  • HobbyCut HBC 1350 Series II
  • HobbyCut HBC 1350 Series III
  • HobbyCut EH-360
  • HobbyCut EH-361
  • HobbyCut HBC-720
  • HobbyCut HBC-720S
  • HobbyCut HBC-720 Pro
  • HobbyCut HBC 720 Series II
  • Hobbycut HBC 720 Series III
  • HobbyCut TC-631
  • HobbyCut TC-801

Houston Instruments

  • DMP-100
  • DMP-40
  • DMP-52
  • DMP-56
  • DMP-60
  • DMP-61
  • DMP-65
  • DMP-65C
  • DMP-66C
  • DMP-69
  • DMP-69C


Summa Plotters Usa

  • Ioline 600Ae
  • Ioline ArtPro LP3500
  • Ioline Classic
  • Ioline LP 3700 (HP-GL)
  • Ioline LP 4000 (HP-GL)
  • Ioline Signature5000 (HPGL)
  • Ioline SmarTrac I/S 60
  • Ioline SmarTrac I/S 85
  • Ioline SmarTrac I/S 100
  • Ioline SmarTrac I/S 110
  • Ioline SmarTrac I/S 130
  • Ioline SmarTrac SC-30
  • Ioline SmarTrac SC-40
  • Ioline SmarTrac SC-48
  • Ioline SmarTrac SC-72
  • Ioline SmarTrac Contour 110
  • Ioline SmarTrac Contour 130
  • Ioline SmarTrac Contour 60
  • Ioline SmarTrac Contour 85
  • Ioline Studio 8 (HP-GL)
  • Ioline Studio 8-20
  • Ioline Studio 8-24
  • Ioline Studio 8-30
  • Ioline Studio 8-40
  • Ioline Studio 8/40T
  • Ioline Studio 8-52T
  • Ioline Studio7/24
  • Ioline Studio7/36
  • Ioline Summit
  • Ioline Summit-2200
  • Ioline Summit-910
  • Ioline Super 88/30
  • Ioline Super 88/30 GS
  • Ioline Super 88/40
  • Ioline Super 88/40 GS
  • Ioline Super 88/52
  • Ioline Super 88/52 GS/DR


  • Artistic Edge 12
  • Artistic Edge 15


  • JC-720E
  • JC-850E
  • JC-1100E
  • JC-1350E
  • JC-720H
  • JC-850H
  • JC-1100H
  • JC-1350H
  • JC-720DS
  • JC-850DS
  • JC-1100DS
  • JC-1350DS
  • JC-1600DS


  • Jinka GC-24S
  • Jinka GC-48S
  • GC-ABJ Series
    • JinKa GC-721ABJ
    • JinKa GC-1351ABJ
  • GC-ASF Series
    • JinKa GC-721ASF
    • JinKa GC-1351ASF
  • JK Series
    • JinKa JK-721 / 720
    • JinKa JK-871 / 870
    • JinKa JK-1101
    • JinKa JK-1351
    • JinKa JK-240
    • Jinka JK-330
    • Jinka JK-361 / 360
    • Jinka JK-365
    • JinKa JK-720HE
    • JinKa JK-870HE
    • JinKa JK-1100HE
    • JinKa JK-1350HE
  • PE Series
    • Jinka PE365
    • Jinka PE721
    • Jinka PE871
    • Jinka PE1101
    • Jinka PE1351
  • XE Series
    • Jinka XE365
    • Jinka XE721
    • Jinka XE871
    • Jinka XE1101
    • Jinka XE1351
  • XL Series
    • Jinka XL-24ABJ
    • Jinka XL-48ABJ
    • Jinka XL-721ABJ
    • Jinka XL-451E
    • Jinka XL-721E
    • Jinka XL-871E
    • Jinka XL-1101E
    • Jinka XL-1351E
  • JinKa YS-380


  • JSI 24
  • JSI G24
  • JSI P-24
  • JSI Pro K24
  • JSI Pro K30


  • KASA PRO Series IV K1355 Vinyl Cutter
  • KASA PRO Series IV K365 Desktop Vinyl Cutter
  • KASA PRO Series IV K725 Vinyl Cutter
  • KASA JK Series IV Vinyl Cutter

Summa Cutter Tools Download


  • Katana BYF
  • Katana KII-1350
  • Katana KII-720


Summa D120 Driver Windows 10

  • Koala (AutoMark)
  • Koala (Manual)